Aaaaand … We’re Back.

Greetings, Perhapa-Fans~!
Well, if you’re like me — and who isn’t…? — you hate it when four whole years flash by without even a single post. You say to yourself, “What happened? This used to be a fun website, with a hip, happenin’, fairly-regular blog followed by a community of hip, happenin’, pleasant and positive people who also happened to be fans of a certain cryptid-focused comic book.” You say, “Why was it gone? Where did it go?” and more importantly, “Can we get it back?”
We can. We will. We are.
We hope.
Back in 2016, with Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and everything else offering so much content and exposure, it felt like people were pulling away from blogs and smaller, more intimate websites. People wanted the news and a voice and to talk about the issues in wide-open forums for everyone to see. It seemed that people were abandoning their familiar, common interest groups for a place in a world-wide dialogue.
So we shut down for a while.
But now, with so many people eschewing ( I know. I had to look it up to make sure I was using it right… ) those larger, less personal apps and services, it looks like folks are once again craving that smaller community, that more intimate circle of friends, and flocking back to the blogs in droves.
So let’s try this again.
AND…what better time to re-ignite the flames of Perhapanaut Fandom than now, as SCOUT COMICS, and their awesome new imprint BLACK CARAVAN, proudly publish and present The Perhapanauts library in a beautifully packaged set of trades, each one featuring an all-new cover by the one and only CRAIG ROUSSEAU and — to sweeten the deal even more — some all-new, all-different BRAND NEW stories of your favorite team of colorful cryptids made JUST FOR YOU!
Starting with a tantalizing Perhapanauts Non-Stop no.1 in November, the Perhapanauts will be back on the stands and, hopefully, back in your hearts, for the foreseeable future. So we intend to be back here on the website, on the Perhapa-blog, keeping you updated on what we’re doing and how you can be a part of it.
We hope you’ll come back and be a part of this.
The blog, I mean.
No one likes to blog in a vacuum.
So check back here regularly. I’ll be posting weekly at least and posting exclusive updates and artwork on what Craig and I are doing.
Here, for example, is Craig’s gorgeous cover for our first Non-Stop and the story of The Kelly Goblins.
Hope to see ya soon.